I have not posted a blog for awhile but have still been getting involved in creative pursuits. I enjoyed lots of cretive inspiration in Melbourne last week. I had such fun at the ABBA exhibiton - they were such an amazing creative team making some of my favourite music of all time. I also went to the Tim Burton Retrospective exhibit, I was amazed to see how many drawings, paintings and scultures Tim had done over his careerer. I was also able to go to the European Masters exhibition, and loved seeing some beautiful paintings and scultpures from some of my favourite artist, such as Monet, Dagas and Renoir. I also discoverd an artist I didn't know of - max Beckmann who was a German artist who was driven out of Germany by Hitler.
I love all the street art in Melbourne too - there is a photo that I have included that is of a chalk footpath artist. I also got a few more pictues of lamps in Melbourne which I hope to take some time to draw or paint.
I also had fun creating a cheese feast from the Vic markets.
well happy creating.