Well today is my last day of holidays before I go back to work. Thinking over my holidays, particularly my time I spent at home, much of it has been about reorganising, spring cleaning and sorting out ready for a new year. One thing that I have done is start to use alternative (or old school) cleaning products instead of the chemicals used in so many expensive manufactured ones.
At the beginning of the holidays I cleaned my tile floor with Bi-carb and vinegar and it came up so well. I have made some homemade washing powder with blue soap and washing soda.
I am about to trial washing soda and bicarb in my dishwasher, and have heard that you can also use vinegar as a rinse aid, which I am keen to try.
I guess I am starting to experiment with all these alternative cleaning for a few reasons, was diagnosed with high allergies a few months ago and figure removing more chemicals from my life must help with my health. Also these alternatives are so much cheaper than the supermarket alternatives. I would much rather spend my money on some yummy food or a night out than cleaning products.
Here are a few things that I have been trailing:
Cleaning Tiles:
Sprinkle some bicarb on the tiles and then spray with white vinegar, scrub any stubborn areas with a scrubbing brush. Mop with warm water and small amount of vinegar.
Cleaning Oven door ( and the rest of it I would say):
Pretty much like the tiles - sprinkle with bircarb, sprinkle or spray vinegar on bicarb let it bubble etc. then wipe off with a cloth.
Dishwasher powder:
Mix Bicarb with washing soda - more Bicarb than washing soda.
Use white vinegar as a rinse aide. (read somewhere you can add a small amount of lemon oil too but not sure)
Cleaning Glass:
Add some vinegar or mentholated spirits to water and wash the glass. Squeegee off or use old newspaper.
Laundry soap:
Mix grated soap - eg. sunlight (I'm currently using blue soap I bought many years ago in Fiji) with a small amount of washing soda.